News - 152,800 Bitcoins on the high side

By Sam Fröling

152,800 Bitcoins on the high side

152,800 Bitcoins, on the high side

Microstrategy has released its quarterly results. The software vendor owns more than $4.5 billion in Bitcoin.

Microstrategy's bitcoin holdings rose to 152,800 Bitcoin, according to its new quarterly report. This is equivalent to about $4.5 billion. "The increase of 12,333 Bitcoin in the second quarter was the largest single-quarter increase since the second quarter of 2021." said Andrew Kang, chief financial officer of Microstrategy. On average, Microstrategy paid US$29,672 per Bitcoin. This is roughly in line with the current exchange rate.

0.72 percent of total stock

Total sales fell one percent year on year to US$120.4 million. Microstrategy currently owns about 0.72 percent of the total Bitcoin in circulation.

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