News - Arkham users get reward for info on Do Kwon's wallet

By Ted Maas

Arkham users get reward for info on Do Kwon's wallet

Two Arkham Intel Exchange users have received bounties for providing information on the platform for the first time. This is according to data from the exchange. Their reward: US$5,000.

According to the data, users collected a total of 9,520 ARKHM tokens, the equivalent of just under $5,000, for demonstrably providing information on Do Kwon's crypto wallets. The infamous ex-CEO of the Terra LUNA crypto project is currently in jail in Montenegro for passport forgery. Meanwhile, voices in South Korea and the U.S., where he is accused of securities fraud, are calling for his extradition.

After Terra's collapse, he allegedly stole and hid several millions of US dollars during his escape, for example at the Swiss Sygnum Bank. However, the exact circumstances surrounding his assets and cryptocurrencies remain unclear. The two Arkham users are now said to have provided solid leads. However, their information remains 90 days "for personal use" under lock and key before being made public.

A few weeks ago, the on-chain service Arkham Intelligence launched its own exchange for blockchain data, the Intel Exchange. It is considered controversial because it motivates users to obtain personal data and information about individual crypto wallets in exchange for payment. Payment is made via ARKHM tokens.

Just one day after its launch, the platform became the laughing stock of the crypto community after a data breach exposed sensitive information from business partners.

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