News - Bitcoin halving: what do the insiders think?

By Ted Maas

Bitcoin halving: what do the insiders think?

The German BTC-ECHO Insider Report for the 2nd quarter is out. In this report, Germany's largest crypto website asks experts from the cryptoscene for their market evaluations. Among other things, they discuss the price and the impact of the Bitcoin Halving.

The positive market environment has also reached insiders. BTC-ECHO created an index based on a number of questions. Questions such as: What are your short-term and long-term prediction? What is the correction or crash danger etc. From these questions hang a number of points which in turn hang from an index. Compared to the first quarter, this index for crypto experts rose significantly. It rose from 74 in the first quarter to 84 in the second quarter. You can see exactly how the index is structured in the free Insider Report.

Bitcoin halving: Insiders expect these market effects

The extent to which the Bitcoin Halvering affects the Bitcoin exchange rate is controversial. In the Insider Report, Dr. Joachim Schwerin, senior economist at the European Commission, explains: "Not immediately, but a few weeks after the halving. Every supply shock has economic effects, and despite all the prediction, they are not fully priced in at the moment - especially since this is not the last halving and thus the supply shortage is structural and periodic."

Prof. Dr. Horst Treiblmaier of Modul University Vienna takes a slightly different view and believes the halving is already largely priced in. Richard Dittrich, corporate influencer at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, meanwhile, points out that it is not only important to look at how many Bitcoin are currently on the market, "but also how many are deposited for short-term trading at trading centers, which is historically very low right now."

Bitcoin Halving Game

Bitcoin halving is just around the corner. To celebrate, we have developed a Halving Game in which you can halve Bitcoins and earn points. Remember, the more Bitcoins you halve correctly, the more points you collect. But beware! Halving other coins will lower your score. Try to score as many points as possible within 60 seconds. The players with the highest scores on the scoreboard will have a chance to win Bitcoin and gaming-related prizes. Play now and win!

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