News - EA wants to start integrating Nike NFTs into its sports games

By Mike Hesp

EA wants to start integrating Nike NFTs into its sports games

"FIFA publisher EA is integrating Nike NFTs into its sports games. The potential is huge. So is the skepticism. A rating.

Two of the largest companies in the world announced a Web3 collaboration last week: EA Sports and Nike. Together, they want to NFT's integrate into Electronic Arts' popular sports video games. Details are scarce so far, but the potential is enormous. The soccer game "FIFA" alone reaches more than 200 million people a year. Is the turnaround for NFTs in games coming now?

Prices for NFTs and blockchain games have plummeted more than 90 percent from their record highs. Until now, the gaming community has always responded to the advances of well-known game publishers with shitstorms of colossal proportions. Electronic Arts has experienced this firsthand. The company's CEO, Andrew Wilson, declared in November 2021 that NFTs and blockchain were the "future of the industry." Then he backtracked when gamers and gaming media flooded him with hate. Dislike of the topic in the gaming world remains strong.

Nike's NFT platform is a success

But a change has been taking place in the background for some time. The best example is Square Enix, one of the largest video game companies in the world (e.g., "Kingdom of Hearts," "Final Fantasy"). It has been converting its business model to blockchain, metaverse and NFTs for months. To that end, they even sold nearly 50 game brands last year, including the legendary Tomb Raider. Square Enix is also working on a Web3 gaming platform. The first blockchain games should appear in 2024.

Electronic Arts is now integrating "Swoosh" into its games, Nike's Web3 platform. It was launched in 2021 - with great success. In that year alone, the athletic shoe manufacturer earned some $185 million from the sale of NFTs. These provide access to exclusive events and meetups and will be integrated into future metaverses and games, such as EA Games. In addition, owners can change and swap them, becoming digital designers themselves. Nike's approach is considered a model of success among Web3 pioneers.

Further Web3 collaboration only a matter of time

All of these initiatives also rely on the same blockchain, Polygon. The Ethereum branch is one of the big winners of crisis year 2022, the big Web3 door opener for businesses. The balance sheet: 200 million walletaddresses, more than a billion transactions processed and a growing army of well-known partners, including Reddit or Warner Music. In other words, united under the Polygon umbrella, further Web3 collaborations by companies are only a matter of time.

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