News - Ethereum ETF may be approved as early as October

By Sam Fröling

Ethereum ETF may be approved as early as October

Ethereum ETF may be approved, as early as October

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to be close to giving a green light to Ethereum (ETH) futures ETFs. But what exactly does this mean?

It is a tug-of-war that has been going on for years: company after company is seeking the favor of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in hopes of gaining initial approval for an Ethereum futures ETF. Now the race appears to be entering a decisive phase. According to Bloomberg, the SEC could green-light Ethereum futures ETFs as early as October 2023. What does this mean for the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin?

The long road to approval

For some time now, companies have been submitting applications to the SEC seeking approval for various cryptofutures ETFs. From Bitcoin to ETH - the list of applicants is huge.

But until now, the SEC has kept the doors closed out of concerns about investor protection and possible market manipulation. Now the wind has died down and ETH could become the first smart-contract platform to get a futures ETF.

What is an Ethereum futures ETF?

An Ethereum futures ETF is an exchange-traded fund that invests in Ethereum futures, not ETH itself. This allows investors to indirectly invest in the performance of Ethereum without physically owning the cryptocurrency which provides an attractive option for many, especially many institutional investors.

Futures ETF vs. Spot ETF: the difference

A spot ETF would be a fund that invests directly in ETH, just as a traditional ETF invests in individual stocks. An Ethereum futures ETF differs in that it does not buy Ethereum directly, but invests in contracts that bet on the future price of ETH. This allows investors to benefit from Ethereum's price movements without exposing themselves to the risks and complexities of owning cryptocurrencies directly. This makes it especially easier for institutional investors to invest in a cryptocurrency like Ethereum.

October 2023: The crucial date?

According to Bloomberg insider sources, the SEC is about to give the green light for the first Ethereum futures ETFs, possibly as early as October of this year. Although not yet officially confirmed, the rumors are circulating in the industry.

Why are ETH futures ETFs so important?

Ethereum futures ETFs are a big deal in the financial world, and for good reason. These funds can pave the way for broader investments in cryptocurrencies, while creating a safer and more accessible way for investors to take advantage of Ethereum's performance. Here are the main reasons why Ethereum futures ETFs are seen as an important development:

  • Mainstream acceptatie van cryptocurrencies:

The approval of an Ethereum Futures ETF are another way for cryptocurrencies to be recognized as a legitimate asset class by major financial authorities.

This would be a big step toward integrating cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial system.

  • Greater accessibility for investors:

These ETFs would make it easier for both individual and institutional investors to invest in ETH.

  • Regulatory clarity and certainty:

An ETF approved by an authority such as the SEC would operate under strict regulatory requirements.

This offers investors more confidence and security compared to buying cryptocurrencies directly.

  • Market stabilization and liquidity:

The introduction of ETH futures ETFs could bring more institutional investors to the crypto market.

This could help stabilize Ethereum's prices and provide more liquidity and h easier tradability.


The possible approval of an Ethereum futures ETF by the SEC represents an important step for the adoption and legitimacy of Ethereum. From a regulatory perspective, this would be a positive sign that could provide investors with more certainty. Despite the current sell-off in the crypto market, Ethereum is showing relative strength: it has sold off less and is currently recovering better from the recent market crash than Bitcoin.

This highlights that this news is positive for Ethereum, and with final approval from the SEC, the cryptocurrency could continue to rise with its price.

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