News - German authority investigates Worldcoin project

By Sam Fröling

German authority investigates Worldcoin project

Worldcoin lures with "free" crypto tokens and utopia. Critics warn, German authorities have been investigating data protection since November 2022.

The Bavarian state data protection supervisory agency is investigating whether Worldcoin is violating data protection rules. Reuters reports. "On the face of it, these technologies are neither well established nor well analyzed for the specific core purpose of processing in the area of financial information transfer," explained chairman of the regulator, Michael Will.

Worldcoin scans the eyes with the so-called Orb. In return, the user receives a World ID and cryptocurrencies. This permission, according to Will, poses another major risk. For example, whether users have "sufficient and clear" information about how Worldcoin uses sensitive biometric data - the iris.

France and the United Kingdom

The Bavarian regulator is the lead authority investigating Worldcoin in accordance with European Union data protection regulations. But French and British regulators are also investigating the use of this private data collection.

Worldcoin has existed in Germany since June 29. According to its own data, a new user registers worldwide every eight seconds.]

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