News - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to support U.S. dollar with Bitcoin

By Sam Fröling

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to support U.S. dollar with Bitcoin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., wants to support U.S. dollar with Bitcoin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to back the U.S. dollar with Bitcoin if he is elected U.S. president next year.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he wants to start using Bitcoin to stabilize the U.S. dollar. The Democratic presidential candidate also proposes exempting Bitcoin profits from capital gains taxes. Backing the U.S. dollar with "hard currency" - gold, silver, platinum or Bitcoin - could stabilize the U.S. economy, Kennedy said.

"Supporting the dollar and U.S. debt with hard assets could help restore dollar strength, curb inflation and usher in a new era of financial stability, peace and prosperity in America."

Backing the dollar would be gradual: "My plan would be to start very small, maybe one percent of debt obligations would be backed by hard currency, like gold, silver, platinum or Bitcoin."

Kennedy previously under fire as vaccine skeptic

Bitcoin advocate Kennedy has come under fire as a vaccine skeptic. During the Corona pandemic, he sympathized with conspiracy myths in the scam scene. Meanwhile, Kennedy's chances are not great: according to current polls, incumbent President Joe Biden is the clear favorite among Democrats.

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