News - Phala launches Phat Contract: enhanced smart contracts for web3 builders

By Sam Fröling

Phala launches Phat Contract: enhanced smart contracts for web3 builders

Phala launches Phat Contract:, enhanced smart contracts for web3 builders

Phala Network has announced the launch of Phat Contract, a new smart contract solution for blockchain developers. This tool simplifies connecting smart contracts to various blockchain ecosystems, specifically within the Phala Network.

Phat Contract allows smart contracts to interact with the real world more efficiently. They are also designed to allow the gap between web2 and web3 to be bridged. It provides effortless integration between Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Substrate blockchains, allowing smart contracts to extend their capabilities to off-chain scenarios.

No more programming skills needed

Phala's solution enables secure off-chain computations and provides customizable LensAPI Oracle Blueprints. This allows users to easily customize the Oracle to their needs without programming skills. Phat Contract offers several deployment scenarios for both beginners and experienced users.

It is also possible to use the Phat Contract to have smart contracts execute conventional code in JavaScript, TypeScript and Rust, allowing them to perform tasks such as calling APIs. Developers can also apply for grants through the Phala builder program to build innovative applications. Phala's Phat Contract reinforces smart contracts as powerful tools that automate transactions, decentralize systems and enable interaction with off-chain networks

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