News - Satoshi's identity revealed? New clue points to Hal Finney
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin? The world has been asking this question for 15 years. Now a new clue has surfaced. This one points to a deceased cryptographer and Bitcoin pioneer, Hal Finney.
In a post on the Bitcoin forum, a user deciphers Satoshi's name using Leetspeak. This is a common Internet code that people use to disguise their identity. Certain letters or numbers are replaced with similar letters or numbers, but with completely different meanings.
The user did this with certain translation practices in the Japanese alphabet. The result:
Satoshi Nakamoto = Han Finley?
Read entire post here.
Hal Finney is considered one of the most likely candidates for the title of Bitcoin inventor. He was a pioneer in cryptography, arguably involved early in the development of Bitcoin and received the very first Bitcoin transaction - from Satoshi Nakamoto. Had it been Hal Finney himself, he would have performed a kind of double life.
He died in 2014 of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He rejected such theories during his lifetime. Email history analyses would also have proven that Finney could not have been Nakamoto.
Who Satoshi Nakamoto was, one person or several, remains unclear to this day. The inventor of Bitcoin disappeared without a trace on Dec. 11, 2010.