News - Wikileaks' Afghanistan disclosures forever on Bitcoin

By Luc Vesters

Wikileaks' Afghanistan disclosures forever on Bitcoin

Bitcoin as a protest platform: Since Oct. 7, Wikileaks' revelations about the war in Afghanistan have been immortalized on the blockchain. Who is behind it is unknown. An anonymous individual claimed the protest at Bitcoin Magazine. The action is intended to draw attention to the prosecution of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks.

In July 2010, Wikileaks published the "Afghan Diaries," which documented various war crimes committed by the U.S. military in the war in Afghanistan, including the murder of innocent civilians.

Almost every major mainstream media reported on the case at the time. It got the ball rolling for the U.S. prosecution of Assange. Now the leaks can never be erased, due to the immutable nature of Bitcoin.

After several years in a British high-security prison, Julian Assange is now being extradited to the US. There he faces 175 years in prison for treason.

Julian Assange's mental state at the maximum-security prison is considered extremely critical, and psychiatrists have repeatedly warned of a suicide risk.

Bitcoin en Wikileaks

The history of Bitcoin and Wikileaks has been closely intertwined for many years. "Only because of Bitcoin could Wikileaks survive," his brother, Gabriel Shipton, tells BTC-ECHO. The reason: the U.S. cut off the whistleblower platform's access to the financial system after the leak. The only way out: Bitcoin.

In August, a protest for Assange took place in the Metaverse. Activists told BTC-ECHO of a "moment of greatest danger."

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