News - Argentina also investigates Worldcoin

By Mike Hesp

Argentina also investigates Worldcoin

Worldcoin remains under the microscope. The Argentine data protection authority is now investigating possible violations.

Argentina's data protection authority AAIP has launched an investigation against Worldcoin. The background is mass data collection via eye scanners. To be investigated is whether the crypto project co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman violates data protection laws. Authorities in Germany, France and Kenya are also investigating.

Argentine authorities investigate Worldcoin Project's iris acanning amid data privacy concerns"

More and more people are having their irises scanned for the Worldcoin project. This also raises concerns about data misuse. Argentine data protectors are now also investigating the project, which lures people with an unconditional basic income. According to the AAIP, "processes and practices related to the collection, storage and use of personal data are being thoroughly analyzed." Possible violations of data protection laws are being investigated.

In recent weeks, many people in and around Buenos Aires have had their irises scanned in exchange for financial compensation. According to data protection laws, "data controllers are required to register their databases with the AAIP." Information should also be provided on "their processing policies, the purpose for which they need sensitive data and the length of time data is kept."

Strengthen rights for users

Citizens taking photos for Worldcoin would also have the right to receive "clear and accessible information about the transfer, use and purpose of data collection and processing when personal data are transferred," the authority said. This applies "especially in the case of sensitive data, such as biometric data." This also includes the right to be forgotten, i.e. to have personal data deleted.

In view of the increasing threats of digitization calls the AAIP to strengthen the legal framework for data protection. Argentina has "regulations that have been in place for more than 20 years." It needs to be updated "to effectively address data protection challenges resulting from recent technological changes." A bill to this effect was introduced last week in the Chamber of Deputies.

Recurring problems with Worldcoin

Worldcoin has been under fire since its inception. The crypto project has been touring major cities for months, collecting masses of biometric data using eye scanners. More than two million people have now registered. In exchange, they receive a "World ID" and some Worldcoin tokens. An unconditional basic income is promised. Since the token launch in late July, the price of the cryptocurrency has dropped nearly 50 percent.

After the French data protection authority CNIL has already launched an investigation and the Kenyan authorities have also taken action, BaFin has also announced investigations. Germany's state data protection supervisory agency has been investigating possible data protection violations since November 2022.

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