News - Sam Altman returns to OpenAI

By Luc Vesters

Sam Altman returns to OpenAI

First the resignation, then a switch to competitor Microsoft - now the return. And all within a few days. At the company behind the successful AI ChatGPT, events are moving fast. This announced OpenAI on X.

Thus, a "fundamental agreement" was reached between the board of directors and the former head of the company. Altman is to return with a new board. This consists of "Bret Taylor (chairman), Larry Summers and Adam D'Angelo."

Just last Friday, the current board fired Sam Altman over alleged internal disagreements. Microsoft boss Satya Nadella announced then indicated that Altman and his colleague Greg Brockman would move to Microsoft. Moments later, much of the OpenAI staff threatened to leave if Altman was not rehired.

The reasons for Altman's initial resignation are not known. In his own statement on X, however, he welcomed his return. He also looks forward to building on the "strong partnership with Microsoft."

In addition to ChatGPT, Sam Altman is also the founder of the crypto project Worldcoin. The exchange rate of the WLD token fluctuated all weekend in line with the course of events. When Altman returned to OpenAI, WLD rose several percent.

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